Gahanna Soccer Association

Rules for GSA Adult League

Rules for GSA Adult League
  1. Play shall be conducted as 11 vs 11 including a keeper and using a size #5 ball. Substitutions may be made at the mid-line ONLY by either team during ANY stoppage due to the ball going out of play.
  2. A match shall consist of 4/20 minute periods with a half time period of no less than 5 minutes and no longer than 8 minutes.
  3. The execution of a slide tackle is NOT permitted in the Adult league and will be penalized. An indirect kick will be awarded to the opposing team.
  4. Up to 3 non-roster players may continue to play for a team, even when a team has eleven roster players. All non-roster players must be registered GSA players. Roster players must be given priority on playing time over non-roster players. The reason for this rule is to avoid a team playing with no substitutes when registered non-roster players are available. Players in this league need substitutes more than the kids do.
  5. At least two female players must be on the pitch at all times. If a team does not have enough females they will be required to play down by up to two players.
  6. Score is kept by the referee and the winning coach is responsible for reporting the score to the commissioner by the end of the day.
  7. Coaches and supporters ARE NOT permitted on the pitch during play.


An offside position is gained when a player, while in the opponents half of the pitch, is ahead of the ball and closer to the opponents goal than two defenders, one of which may be the keeper. The call of "OFFSIDE" will only be made if the player is in the area of active play or is involved in the play.


Advantage is called when the team that was fouled remains in control of the ball and on the attack, thus allowing any offensive opportunity gained to continue rather than penalize said team for the action of the opponent.

Dangerous Play

A call of dangerous play is made when any player is put into a situation where the act of conducting play is consider by the referee to place any player in a position to cause injury to themselves or any other players.

Ball In & Ball Out of Play

The ball is not considered out of play until it has gone completely over the marked boundary of the pitch. A player may be outside the marked pitch and play the ball as long as the ball remains within the marked boundary of the pitch.


The call of "HANDLING" occurs when, in the opinion of the referee, they view any play, including the keeper in certain instances, to have deliberately handled, carried, struck, or propelled the ball with their hand or arm. The referee may also look to see if, in their opinion, the hand went to the ball or the ball went to the hand, or if an advantage was gained, before making the call.