- GSA soccer is supposed to be FUN for players, coaches, and parents. If you finish a practice or a game and everyone wants to come back next time, you are doing a great job as coach.
- All players should play at least fifty percent (50%) of the match in all games, regardless of ability.
- Teams should have at least one (1), but more than three (3) meetings per week for practices or games. Most of the time, one game and one practice per week are the ideal schedule.
- Emphasis should be on development of individual ball control skills and confidence with the ball. The commissioner will send out a set of games to play during practice time, to help the team have fun while learning some soccer fundamentals.
- Players should be able to control the ball toward a particular direction. Encourage players to touch the ball with the inside or top of of the foot rather than the toe.
- Coaches are encouraged to complete the USYSA Grassroots course, or the United Soccer Coaches 4v4 course.